Get Rolling on Your Bikepacking Adventure

Assess Your Bike: Before you hit the trails, check out your bike to see if it's up for the adventure. While a special bike for bikepacking is cool, pretty much any bike can do the job. Look for one that's tough, has room for wider tires, and spots to attach racks and bags. Mountain bikes, gravel bikes, and touring bikes are all good picks.

Gear Essentials: Having the right gear is key for a successful trip. Grab some lightweight bags made for bikepacking – like frame bags, saddle bags, and handlebar bags – to stash your gear securely and keep your ride balanced. And don't forget lightweight camping gear, like a tent, sleeping bag, stove, and cooking gear, to keep things comfy without weighing you down.

Pack Smart: Packing your stuff right is crucial for a smooth ride. Spread the weight evenly between your front and rear bags, and stash the heavy stuff closer to the middle of your bike for better balance. Keep your essentials handy for quick grabs while you're on the trail.

Plan Your Route: Planning your trip is all about making sure you have a safe and awesome adventure. Think about stuff like the terrain, how far you want to go, how much climbing you're up for, where you can find water, and places to camp. Use online maps and GPS to make a route that fits your skills and what you want to see.

Fuel Up: Keeping your energy levels up is super important when you're out on the trail. Pack some lightweight snacks and meals that are high in energy and easy to make. And don't forget to bring plenty of water or use a hydration system to stay hydrated as you ride.

Safety First: Don't forget about staying safe on your adventure. Bring along important stuff like a first aid kit, tools to fix your bike, spare parts, and emergency supplies, just in case. And make sure you know how to do basic bike repairs to keep your ride running smooth.

Leave No Trace: When you're out in nature, it's important to leave things as you found them. Take all your trash with you, be careful with campfires, respect wildlife, and stick to the trails to help protect the environment for future adventurers.

By following these steps, you'll be all set to turn your bike into a bikepacking machine and have some epic adventures. Whether you're out for a few days or just a weekend, bikepacking is a rad way to get out and explore the world on two wheels.

Stop by Recycled Cycling to get started with your bikepacking advetures. Maybe you need a couple of bags and racks to complete your setup. Maybe you need some help planning a beginning bikepacking route? Maybe you need some help with your cooking gear and meal planning? Maybe it’s time to splurge and get that new Surly Grappler you’ve had your eye on and deck it out with all the coolest gear? Whatever you need… we’re here to help with our combined 30 years of bikepacking experience!

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